Topic 7 : Control
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In a town, a set of traffic lights control access from a small road, where a fire station is located, to a main road that has heavy traffic.

Topic 7 : Control
Available time 20 Minute(s)
01. Question
Level Easy
Maximum Mark 15
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In a town, a set of traffic lights control access from a small road, where a fire station is located, to a main road that has heavy traffic. In times of emergency, many vehicles from the fire station may need to leave the station at the same time. A system is put in place so that when a fire truck on the small road approaches the main road, the traffic lights switch to green (Go) on the small road and to red (Stop) on the main road. 

 (a) Outline the role of sensors and a microprocessor in controlling the traffic lights in this way. 

[Marks: 4]

 (b) Suggest how the traffic lights can be changed back to their original state once there are no more fire trucks coming from the small road. 

[Marks: 3]

These traffic lights are controlled by embedded systems at the point of use. It is proposed that they should be controlled from the same central computer as all the other traffic lights in the town.

(c) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of running the town’s traffic light system on one central computer with multiple inputs and outputs.

[Marks: 5]

A series of cameras are installed at each of the town’s traffic lights. These cameras are connected to the central computer.

(d) Discuss the social implications of monitoring traffic in this way. 

[Marks: 3]